We greatly appreciate your help and support.  

ATZUM follows exacting procedures to keep expenses as low as possible, to ensure that every possible dollar of contributions goes to those in urgent need of our assistance.

Please include your email address with your donation so that we can acknowledge your contribution with no additional administrative or mailing costs.

Please select the country through which you would like to make your donation:

Please contact us about wire transfers or donating stock.

US Donations


Please click on the project you would like to support:

By Check:

8631 Karlov Ave.
Skokie, IL 60076

If you would like to stipulate a specific project for your contribution, please let us know.

Contributions are tax deductible as permitted by U.S. law. ATZUM is registered as 501(c)(3) charitable organization # 01-0697869.


By Cheque:

Please make cheques payable to “UK Toremet Limited” and indicate the donation is for ATZUM.

UK Toremet Limited
Shenkers LLP
4th Floor, Sutherland House
70/78 West Hendon Broadway
London NW9 7BT
United Kingdom

If you would like to stipulate a specific project for your contribution, please indicate this on your cheque. You can allocate your donation to any of the following:

ATZUM general donations     

Task Force on Human Trafficking

Project Chaya La’or: Accessing Higher Education (formerly ATZILAH)

Project Restored Hope

UK Donations

Israel Donations


Please click on the project you would like to support:

By Check:

c/o Kaztowich Accountants
Keren Hayesod 36, 4th floor
Jerusalem 9214914, Israel

If you would like to stipulate a specific project for your contribution, please indicate this on your check. You can choose from the following:

Task Force on Human Trafficking

Project Chaya La’or: Accessing Higher Education (formerly ATZILAH)

Project Restored Hope

By Bank Transfer:

Account Name: ATZUM
Bank: 54 (Bank Jerusalem)
Branch: 30
Account: 300046414

To obtain a receipt, please send an email including your full name and mailing address to 

Contributions are tax deductible as permitted by Israel law. ATZUM is registered in Israel as Amuta #580411775.