Archives for July 2003

Lives That Make No Headlines

Tachles: The Swiss Jewish Weekly Magazine
July 25, 2003

By Jacques Ungar

The original version of this article was written in German. This translation into English has the writer and the editor’s approval as being an accurate translation.
Among the countless victims of Palestinian terror, there are those whose suffering causes no headlines. These are the people who survive terror attacks, often with lasting physical and psychological wounds. Their fate is, however, no less tragic than that of the people who are killed.
For weeks, months, and years, the number of the Israeli victims of the intifada has steadily mounted. After each attack, the procedure is the same. First, the media release brief reports that an incident has occurred. If it turns out that “sufficient” blood has flowed, teams of reporters are dispatched to the site, where they remain for hours, delivering all available information to the Israeli public. Newspaper articles follow, with details about the victims, their families and friends, and, finally, the burials. Subsequently, the dead sink gradually into the dust of statistical analysis, and the conflict continues, with no end in sight. [Read more…]