Letter to MK Levin

Subject: MK Levin – Support legislation to help Israel’s struggle against sex trafficking and prostitution


Dear MK Yariv Levin,

I am writing to you as someone who cares deeply about Israel and its reputation in the international community. This past February I watched proudly as the Ministerial Committee unanimously approved MK Orit Zuaretz’s proposed legislation to criminalize the purchase of sexual services.

Similar legislation has already been implemented in many other countries and has proven to be very successful in diminishing the demand for paid sex and for the prostitution and trafficking that inevitably meet that demand. Plainly put, it has been clearly demonstrated that criminalizing paid demand will diminish supply.

By passing MK Zuaretz’s legislation, Israel’s Government can also stand up to demand and unequivocally declare that prostitution is a manifestation of male violence against women and children that will not be tolerated. This proposed legislation and its approval by the Ministerial Committee afford Israel the opportunity to join ranks with some of the world’s leading efforts against trafficking and prostitution. By adopting legislation that would deal a severe blow to prostitution and its shadow trafficking “industry”, we can protect some of Israel’s most exploited populations.  However, I fear Israel is missing this crucial opportunity because of its delay in advancing MK Zuaretz’s bill.

As Chairman of the Knesset House Committee you are in a unique position to help end this delay and help pass this legislation. When the Knesset comes back in session, I urge you to prioritize this legislation and immediately assign it to the Committee on the Status of Women for its consideration.

The eyes of the world are always, sometimes unfairly and disproportionately, focused on Israel. This time let’s exploit that reality to make Israel a shining light of freedom by stopping the trafficking and prostitution of human beings for sex. We urge you to take leadership in support of The Prohibition of Prostitution Services and Community Treatment Bill and add your voice to those who take us one step closer to an Israel free of slavery and the shameless denigration and exploitation of human beings.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for strengthening our hands in the effort to bring greater concern and support for Israel’s future. We are looking forward to your help in advancing this important legislation.


Number of letters sent: 3