Letter to Members of Knesset

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Subject: Support legislation to help Israel’s struggle against sex trafficking and prostitution


I am writing to you as someone who cares deeply about Israel, its role as guardian of the Jewish future, and its reputation in the international community. I have been appalled to learn about the extent of human trafficking in Israel, particularly the trafficking in of women sex slaves and prostitutes.  My reading and first-hand conversations with Israelis include reports that Israel’s sex industry is fueled by thousands of victims, an increasing numbers of them minors, even some Israeli citizens, who are brutally exploited from the age of 12 and 13. Instead of becoming bnei mitzvah, these children are victimized by the cruel and sordid world of pimps and traffickers right under the nose of the Israel police.

But now, Israel has an opportunity to join the ranks of the world’s most progressive countries by adopting legislation that would deal a severe blow to prostitution and its shadow trafficking ‘industry’. Governments around the world have begun to consider enacting laws that target the demand for paid sex. Those countries regard human trafficking for sex and prostitution as a human rights violation. The message they are sending is that a woman’s bodies, and the bodies of young girls and boys, are simply not for sale.

Will Israel, founded upon a tradition that understands that every human being is created B’Tzelem Elohim not insist on the same?  Isn’t it clear that no one should be able to “legally” purchase the body of another for his perverse needs? Will Israel now send the message to its citizens and the whole world by passing legislation that criminalizes the purchase of another human being for sex? 

Among others, Sweden has a 10-year record demonstrating the success of such legislation. Plainly put, they have proven that by criminalizing paid demand there will be far less supply.

The women and children forced into sexual servitude, foreigners and Israelis alike, are among society’s most vulnerable populations. We urge you to protect them by helping end prostitution and human trafficking and standing up for human rights.

The eyes of the world are always, sometimes unfairly and disproportionately, focused on Israel. This time, let’s exploit that reality and make Israel a shining light of freedom by stopping the trafficking of human beings for sex. Support MK Orit Zuaretz’s bill and add your voice to those who take us one step closer to an Israel, and a world, free of slavery and the shameless denigration and exploitation of human beings.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for strengthening our hands in the effort to bring greater concern and support for Israel’s future.
